The responsibilities of Henleaze Junior School Governing Body are determined by the Cathedral Schools Trust Scheme of Delegation.
For information about Cathedral Schools Trust - including the Decision Matrix, Scheme of Governance and Terms of Delegation for Local Governing Bodies - visit the CST website here
The Governors work with Cathedral School Trust Trustees to provide strategic leadership and accountability in the school. They devolve day to day operational decisions to the Headteacher and school Senior Leadership Team but strategically they work with school staff to make decisions that ensure all pupils achieve their best.
We are fortunate enough to have a skilled and committed Local Governing Body at Henleaze Junior School who are keen to being involved in the continued improvement of the school. If you would like to find out more about the role of the Local Governing Body, please contact the school office or get in touch with Hazel Phillips, our Chair of Governors.
Get in touch - The Chair of Governors can be contacted:
Who are the Governors?
Jonathan Parr
Nicola O'Brien
Staff Governor
Adrian Jones
Community Governor
Vice Chair of GovernorsLiz Jahn
Clerk to the Governors
Jayne Storey
Parent Governor
Hazel Phillips
Parent Governor
Chair of GovernorsIan Irvine
Community Governor
Ben McLewis
Community Governor
Shona Howard
Community Governor
Jo Boichot
Parent Governor
Alison Stott
Parent Governor
What do Governors do?
The National Governors' Association defines the key roles of school governors as:
- setting the aims and objectives for the school
- setting the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
- setting the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
- monitoring and evaluating the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives
- challenging and supporting the headteacher, as a "critical friend"
School Governors have legal duties, powers and responsibilities. They must act together; they cannot act individually.
School governors are:
- Parents.
- Staff at the school.
- People appointed by the Trustees because of the professional skills and experience they may bring to the governing body.
Parent governors:
- Have a child in the school.
- Are elected by parents of the school.
- Serve, as do other Governors, for four years.
Parent Governors bring the views of parents to the Governing Body, but they speak and act as individuals. They should not be thought of as delegates or "mouthpieces" of the parents; they do not vote for all parents in general. They have equal status in the work of the Governing Body and have voting rights.
Committees and meetings:
The full governing body meets 6 times a year. Much of the business of governance is delegated to two sub committees: the Finance and Resources Committee (FR), and the Pupil Progress and Curriculum Committee (PPC).
In addition to these committees, which havee decision making powers, there is also the Henleaze Campus Collaboration Committee (H3C), whose members represent the three schools on the campus. This ensures that there is good cooperation, collaboration and communication between Henleaze Junior School, Henleaze Infant School and Claremont Special School.
Contacting the Governors
The Governors welcome contact with members of the school community. Although they are not always in or around the school, they can be contacted by phone or email. The Office Staff can provide contact information.
Email the Chair of Governors directly by writing to
Complaints procedure
In the event of any complaint about the school, in the first instance contact should be made with the school leadership team. If issues cannot be resolved, there is an official complaints procedure.
- Values
- School History
- Teaching and Learning
- Pastoral care
- Achievements
- Staff
- Governors
- Documents
- Admissions
- Recruitment
Parents' association
Find out more about HENSA, the HJS parents' association
Meet the staff
See all the HJS staff